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Top Customer Retention Tips & Data-Driven Strategies to Boost Sales

AI for Voice of customer

Written by Articence

Voice of Customer

July 14, 2023

Retention of customers is essential to every business’s success since it is less expensive to keep existing customers than to find new ones. Customer retention ultimately leads to increased sales for a business. Customers have numerous choices than ever in today’s highly competitive marketplace. Therefore, business enterprises must put effective client retention tactics into place.

Sometimes spending money to enhance sales is necessary, whether through employing an extra salesperson or funding an outside training course for your staff. However, it’s only sometimes the case. You can increase sales without spending much money with data-driven approaches we’ll discuss in this blog later.

Let’s first discuss the customer retention secrets. The top secrets of customer retention come from the insights you get from customer feedback data analytics.

The roadmap to customer retention is simple:

Gather feedback>Analyze feedback>Get insights>Implement results>Retain Customers

How to retain customers?

The answer to “How to retain customers?” comes from getting a few questions answered by your users or clients.

What are customers’ preferences and interests?

How do customers engage with different marketing channels?

What factors influence customers’ purchasing decisions?

When and how often do customers make repeat purchases?

What are the triggers for customer churn or dissatisfaction?

Check out eight proven strategies to retain customers.

Top Data-Driven Strategies to Increase Sales

Leveraging intelligent technology

Marketing teams are currently phasing out personalized ad tracking. Instead, they use AI and machine learning tools to understand customers’ wants.

Articence integrates AI and machine learning tools that multiply the power of data analytics and feedback-collecting surveys and forms to 10X. You can see your feedback data analytics, from sentimental analysis to graphical outputs, without any hustle.

Nowadays, machine learning is used in everything from farms to banks. It functions by making predictions using algorithms. Machines are supplied information and then compile data to produce statistical results. The machines’ predictions become more precise as more data is given.

To retain customers, businesses might use machine learning to understand their preferences better. You can therefore give the consumers who are more likely to use your company again greater attention.

Alternatively, you can identify the causes of customers’ dissatisfaction and address a problem before it arises. Let’s assume that you have a problem with cart abandonment. You can determine that clients are abandoning their sales when it comes to compelled account creation using the information from machine learning. You can come up with a workaround for this. Additionally, you can focus on your cart desertion campaigns.

This is an ideal approach for businesses to deal with customer acquisition and conversion by being more proactive. Additionally, implementing adjustments using intelligent technology like machine learning demonstrates your attention to your clients’ needs.

Value Quality to Quantity

Too frequently, sales teams try to find as many potential customers as possible. Your salespeople should concentrate on the quality rather than the quantity of leads. Here are two strategies to improve lead qualification and guarantee that your team focuses its efforts primarily on the proper targets:

·         Provide instruction and valuable materials on how to qualify leads. During one-on-one sessions, go over lead qualifications with your team members. Arrange boot camps for high performers to teach novices.

·         Accept your CRM’s lead-scoring capabilities. Lead scoring is a type of qualification in which significant data points (such as company size or job title) are given numerical values. For illustration, Articence enables users to choose variables.

Improved consistency, efficiency, and lead quality are all benefits of systematic lead scoring. Enhancing your qualification process may enable your salespeople to close more deals and save time.

Apply an RFM Model

Recency, Frequency, and Monetary, or RFM for short, is a marketing methodology that lets you convert data into sales. It’s an effective technique to learn more about customers’ purchasing behaviors.

Using this technique strongly emphasizes the clients you already have or who made their first purchase. The secret is to improve the consumer experience and cultivate a more devoted clientele.

Recency makes it possible to determine how to tempt customers based on how recently people viewed your site. You can therefore send an offer to a consumer who has not visited your website recently, whereas if you have a customer who has.

Frequency is distributing offers and items to individuals regularly, and it is more important to analyze their purchases first. Imagine you work as a marketer for a telecom company, for instance. Data indicates that consumers frequently purchase inexpensive goods. Therefore, you should send them deals often. But you also know to send it to that group of clients if, for instance, your best cloud-based phone system goes on sale.

Monetary is identifying high and low spenders by using financial data. Then, these clients can be divided into recurring and one-time clients. You can use this information to target them in many ways. You can create plans to encourage folks who spend less to spend more. Additionally, you might include individuals who spend more in a rewards program.

Cut Back on the Products You Offer

Of course, you want to be able to offer every product you can, from a cozy pair of shoes to photo-editing software. But in the present era, consumers are barraged with items from all directions, which is just off-putting.

Here is where you should maximize the concept of less is more. And one excellent method to do this is by leveraging data. By looking at individual client data, you may provide them with what they desire rather than what is being forced upon them.

By differentiating yourself from the competition and demonstrating your concern, using data to sell products in this way will help you keep customers. You can use data from prior transactions to determine a customer’s preferences and then develop tailored offers based on that knowledge.

Create Data-Driven Customer Personas

 Leads want to listen to only proposals that are relevant to them because it wastes their time. Create data-driven buyer personas to make sure sales representatives concentrate on high-quality leads. Agents can focus their time and efforts on qualified leads using clear buyer personas.

Your CRM program has essential data about the prospects who buy and those who don’t unless you’re just starting. Start developing your buyer personas with the tool.

Ø  Analyze your consumer database for purchasing trends. Pay attention to company size, position, locality, and demographics. If there are any gaps, fill them in as best you can and label them appropriately. Using this analysis, you can develop customer segments.

Ø  Sort your categories by measures of customer value. That could be a SaaS business’s average yearly recurring revenue or ARR. Average order value (AOV) may be a better term for e-commerce.

Ø  Make profiles for fictitious people who would represent each of your groupings.

These are the buyer personas you will use. After you’ve finished creating the personas, gather feedback from customer-focused agents and make the necessary revisions.

Even while you’ll want to gather crucial data about your target audience, attempt to keep the number of customer personas you develop to a minimum. Customers may not need to be divided into groups based on age, for instance, if they exhibit similar traits throughout generations. But it might be worthwhile to separate them if various age groups deal with different issues.


In conclusion, customer retention is crucial for every business’s success, and data-driven strategies play a significant role in achieving it. By leveraging data analytics, companies can gain insights into customer preferences, engage in personalized marketing efforts, and address customer needs effectively. Implementing predictive analytics allows businesses to proactively identify and mitigate churn risks, improving customer retention and increasing sales.

Additionally, leveraging intelligent technology, applying an RFM model, and creating data-driven customer personas help optimize lead qualification, improve targeting, and enhance the customer experience. With data as the foundation, businesses can make informed decisions, drive sales, and maximize their ROI. Discover the full potential of data analytics for customer retention and boost your sales with these proven strategies.

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