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Survey Research: How Online Surveys Shape Industries

AI for Voice of customer

Written by Articence

Voice of Customer

September 6, 2023

In survey research online surveys play a pivotal role in gathering valuable insights. Survey research can be categorized into three main types: exploratory, descriptive, and causal. These three categories serve distinct purposes and offer unique benefits to researchers and industries alike. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of survey research, exploring its significance and the ways it shapes various industries.

Understanding Survey Research

Survey research is a fundamental tool for collecting primary data as part of a comprehensive research strategy. It holds immense significance in decision-making processes across diverse domains, ranging from product development to marketing strategies.

Advantages of Survey Research

Survey research offers numerous advantages, making it a popular choice for data collection:

  1. Ease of Use: Conducting surveys, especially online, is straightforward. Platforms like Articence provide customizable templates, simplifying the survey creation process. They also offer data visualization tools, making it easy to interpret and use survey data effectively.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Online surveys are a cost-effective means of data collection compared to in-person interviews or field surveys, which require trained staff for data gathering, calculation, and analysis.
  3. Large Sample Size: Surveys enable the collection of data from a large and diverse population within a short timeframe. Tools like Articence Audience can help reach specific target audiences.
  4. Quantitative and Qualitative Data: Surveys can collect both quantitative and qualitative data, offering versatility in research. Various question types, such as multiple-choice, Likert scales, and open-ended questions, allow for comprehensive data collection.

Limitations of Survey Research

While survey research offers numerous advantages, it also has limitations, including:

  1. Accuracy Concerns: Anonymity in online surveys can sometimes lead to respondents providing less-than-honest answers, affecting data accuracy.
  2. Non-Responses: Respondents may choose not to answer specific questions, potentially introducing bias into the results.
  3. Interpretation Differences: Ambiguity in questions or answer choices can lead to difficulties in interpretation and response consistency.

Characteristics of Survey Research

Survey research possesses several defining characteristics:

  1. Usage: Surveys are primarily employed to gather information about human behavior.
  2. Systematic: Survey research follows systematic procedures to ensure consistency and reliability.
  3. Replicable: Applying the same methods repeatedly yields similar results.
  4. Types: Surveys can be conducted online or offline, depending on research needs.
  5. Data: Both quantitative and qualitative data can be collected through surveys.
  6. Impartial: Random sampling is often used to minimize bias in survey research.

Types of Survey Research

Survey research can be categorized into three main types:

  1. Exploratory Research: This type focuses on discovering ideas and insights, often through open-ended questions. It is best suited for initial problem exploration and understanding.
  2. Descriptive Research: Descriptive research, primarily quantitative, aims to define opinions, attitudes, and behaviors within a group. It relies on structured questions and yields statistically inferable data.
  3. Causal Research: Causal research explores cause-and-effect relationships between variables through experimentation. It seeks to determine which variables cause specific effects and the nature of the relationship.

Applications of Survey Research

Survey research finds applications across various domains:

  • Exploratory Research: Utilized case studies, field observations, focus groups, and interviews for in-depth problem understanding.
  • Descriptive Research: Used in descriptive surveys, normative surveys, analysis surveys, and correlative surveys to define and measure attitudes, opinions, and behaviors.
  • Causal Research: Applied in product testing, advertising enhancements, customer retention strategies, and community needs assessments.

Survey Formats

Research surveys can take three main formats: online, phone, and in-person. Let’s explore each format:

  1. Online Surveys: Online surveys are the most common and cost-effective format. They offer accurate results, reach a large audience globally, provide anonymity for respondents, and offer flexibility and customization options.
  2. Phone Surveys: Phone surveys, while declining in popularity, can still be useful for reaching a broad audience. However, they involve costs related to administration and carry a risk of human error and response bias.
  3. In-Person Surveys: Face-to-face interviews provide rich data but are costly and require trained interviewers. They also introduce various types of survey bias.

Why Conduct Research Surveys?

Research surveys serve several critical purposes:

  1. Provide Hard Numbers: Surveys yield quantitative data, offering concrete evidence to support decisions and initiatives.
  2. Offer Ongoing Benchmarks: Trends identified through repeated surveys provide valuable insights and help identify changes over time.
  3. Reach Large Audiences: Surveys, especially online, can reach a vast number of participants, enhancing research validity and generalizability.
  4. Ensure Respondent Anonymity: Anonymity in online surveys encourages honest and detailed responses, even to sensitive questions.

Designing Effective Research Surveys

To design effective research surveys, follow these key principles:

  1. Clear Goal: Define a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goal for your survey.
  2. Progressive Questioning: Start with easy, straightforward questions before moving to deeper, more thought-provoking ones, and conclude with demographic and personal questions.
  3. Simple Language: Use clear, concise, and impartial language to ensure respondents understand questions and answer choices.
  4. Conciseness: Keep surveys as short as possible to prevent respondent fatigue and ensure data quality.
  5. Incentives: Consider offering incentives to respondents, such as discounts or gift cards, to increase response rates.


Survey research, with its exploratory, descriptive, and causal approaches, wields substantial influence in shaping industries. Its advantages, including ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to gather large-scale data, make it an indispensable tool in decision-making processes. By designing surveys effectively and utilizing the appropriate survey format, industries can harness the power of survey research to gain valuable insights and drive success. Whether you’re conducting internal or external research, the balance between these research types is crucial for achieving your goals and making informed decisions. Start your research journey today, and remember, Articence offers the tools you need to collect and analyze data effectively.

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