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10 Expert Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Online Surveys

AI for Voice of customer

Written by Articence

Voice of Customer

September 8, 2023

Online surveys have emerged as powerful tools for collecting data, garnering insights, and making informed decisions across various domains. Whether you’re conducting market research, seeking employee feedback, or gathering customer opinions, the effectiveness of your online survey can significantly impact the quality of data you obtain. To ensure your surveys deliver valuable, actionable insights, it’s essential to employ best practices and expert tips. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into 10 expert tips and tricks to elevate your online surveys, improve response rates, and enhance data quality.

1. Define Your Survey’s Purpose Clearly

A great online survey begins with a well-defined purpose. Before diving into survey creation, take time to precisely outline your objectives. Ask yourself:

  • What is the primary goal of this survey?
  • Why are you conducting this survey?
  • What specific outcomes or decisions will this survey inform?
  • How will you leverage the data collected?

Clarity at this stage is crucial because it ensures that your survey questions are tailored to address the right issues. Avoid vague or multifaceted goals, as they can lead to unfocused surveys and less actionable data.

2. Keep It Short and Focused

When designing online surveys, shorter is often better. Studies have consistently shown that shorter surveys tend to yield higher response rates and lower abandonment rates. Aim for a concise survey that respondents can complete in a relatively short amount of time, ideally within five minutes.

To achieve brevity:

  • Focus on a single objective per survey.
  • Prioritize essential questions that directly contribute to meeting your objectives.
  • Avoid including “nice to have” questions that don’t provide critical data.

Remember that respondents may lose interest in lengthy surveys, leading to incomplete or biased responses. Keeping surveys short ensures that participants remain engaged, contributing to the overall quality of the data.

3. Simplify Question Wording

Effective survey questions are those that respondents can easily understand. Avoid using jargon, technical terms, or industry-specific language that might confuse participants. Make your questions as specific and direct as possible, avoiding ambiguity. For instance, replace complex queries like “When was the last time you used our RGS?” with clearer language such as “How satisfied are you with the response time of our HR team?”

4. Leverage Closed-Ended Questions Whenever Possible

Closed-ended questions, such as multiple-choice or rating scale questions, offer several advantages in online surveys:

  • They provide specific choices for respondents, making data analysis more straightforward.
  • Closed-ended questions are conducive to quantitative data analysis.
  • Responses are standardized, enabling easy comparison and trend identification.

While open-ended questions can yield valuable qualitative insights, prioritize closed-ended questions to ensure your data is easily quantifiable and analyzable.

5. Maintain Consistency in Rating Scales

Rating scales are effective tools for measuring and comparing variables within a survey. If you choose to employ rating scales (e.g., a 1-5 scale), maintain consistency throughout the survey. Ensure that:

  • The scale’s size (e.g., 1-5) remains consistent.
  • The meanings of high and low ratings are uniform across the survey.
  • An odd number of points is used in the rating scale to facilitate data analysis.

Inconsistencies in rating scales can confuse respondents and lead to unreliable responses.

6. Logical Survey Flow

The flow of your survey should follow a logical sequence. Begin with a concise and motivating introduction that encourages respondents to participate. Start with broader, more general questions before progressing to narrower, specific topics. If your survey collects demographic or sensitive data, place these questions toward the end, unless they serve as criteria for participant screening. If you’re requesting contact information, it’s generally best to collect this data after the survey.

A logical flow ensures that respondents understand the context and progression of the survey, enhancing the overall survey experience.

7. Pre-Test Your Survey

Before launching your online survey to a broader audience, conduct thorough pre-testing. Invite a small group of individuals from your target audience or colleagues to take the survey. This pre-testing phase serves several purposes:

  • Identifying glitches or technical issues within the survey.
  • Ensuring that questions are interpreted as intended.
  • Confirming that the survey’s logic and flow are seamless.

By addressing any issues uncovered during pre-testing, you can refine your survey and enhance the overall respondent experience.

8. Consider Your Audience When Sending Survey Invitations

Timing plays a crucial role in survey response rates. Recent statistics indicate that the highest open and click rates for survey invitations occur on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays. However, it’s essential to prioritize your audience’s convenience over specific days. For employee surveys, for example, sending invitations during the business week at suitable times is preferable. Avoid sending surveys during critical business periods when employees are occupied with other tasks.

9. Implement Reminder Emails

Sending reminder emails is a strategic approach to boost response rates, although it may not be suitable for all surveys. Reminders serve to re-engage participants who may have initially overlooked or delayed completing the survey. Well-timed reminders can significantly impact response rates, ultimately leading to more comprehensive and representative data.

10. Consider Offering an Incentive

Incentives can be highly effective in motivating participants to complete your online survey. People are more likely to respond when they perceive that their time is rewarded. However, it’s essential to align the incentive with the survey’s scope and purpose to prevent undesirable behavior, such as falsified demographic information.

Research indicates that incentives can boost response rates by an average of 50%, making them a valuable tool for enhancing data collection.


Unlocking the full potential of your online surveys requires thoughtful planning and adherence to best practices. By clearly defining your survey’s purpose, keeping it short and focused, simplifying question-wordingquestion-wording, leveraging closed-ended questions, and maintaining consistency in rating scales, you can create surveys that yield actionable insights.

Additionally, a logical survey flow, pre-testing, and strategic timing of survey invitations contribute to the overall effectiveness of your surveys. Implementing reminder emails and offering appropriate incentives can significantly improve response rates, ensuring that your survey collects comprehensive and valuable data.

Incorporating these tenten expert tips and tricks into your survey design process will empower you to gather high-quality data, make informed decisions, and drive positive outcomes in various domains, from market research to employee feedback and customer satisfaction assessments. Elevate your survey game today and harness the potential of online surveys for your organization’s success.

What does Articence offer?

Articence revolutionizes the survey creation process by offering comprehensive features and capabilities to enhance effectiveness. Survey creators benefit from a user-friendly interface that simplifies the survey design, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform empowers users to fully customize surveys, ensuring that they align with the organization’s branding and maintain a professional appearance.

One of Articence’s standout features is its diverse range of question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and Likert scale questions. This versatility enables survey creators to tailor their surveys to specific objectives, facilitating nuanced and insightful data collection. Additionally, Articence incorporates skip logic and branching, allowing for dynamic surveys that adapt to respondents’ answers, thus improving both the survey experience and data accuracy.

In today’s mobile-centric world, Articence ensures that surveys are fully optimized for mobile responsiveness. This critical feature enhances response rates and data quality by enabling seamless survey completion on various devices. Moreover, Articence places a strong emphasis on data security, employing robust measures like encryption and secure data storage to safeguard sensitive information, fostering trust among both respondents and survey creators.

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